The WPF Alert: June 2023

The Bridge and Conversation Day brought many benefits. Long-term supporters and new ones enjoyed sociable time together, before sipping Women’s Plans own label wine Women's Plans Foundation Wine Fundraiser and having a delicious hot lunch at The Women’s Club. The speech was given by Carolyn Blanden, Interim Chair, and a presentation of her doctoral dissertation by Loretta Musgrave, Women’s Plans Awardee 2023.

Keynote Speech: Carolyn Blanden, Interim Chair


Carolyn Blanden outlined the vital importance of our mission and work:

“Women can make the difference, choosing the number and timing of having children. Together with improving every other way of our impacting on the climate, we should plan for the human population.”

In Southeast Asia, an area of rapid growth, there is, naturally, a high population of young people, many culturally preset to aim for large families. The man decides, but women could lead. This is our neighbourhood of the world, where we can enable health services to spread the word and provide services – indeed, new, less invasive and long-acting methods.

Highlighting NGO Work

One of the NGOs Women’s Plans funds, Australian Doctors International, goes to remote areas of PNG and trains local teams to carry on the work. Another, MSIAP, has been developing a social media network so young people can get good health advice, not just ‘don’t,’ which has never worked.

With Plan, WPF will be supporting a Youth Empowerment program.

Women's Plans Foundation Wine Fundraiser

A new initiative with Family Planning Australia is setting up access to emergency contraception through trained pharmacy staff in Fiji, in conjunction with The Solomons Islands Planned Parenthood Association, resisting high rates of teenage pregnancy.

This is life-changing work, where girls have time to finish school and become people who can contribute, then have fewer, just as much cherished, children. It is exciting work, thinking of ways of making a positive difference, for women and our place in the world.”

And even further out, WPF is contributing to SurfAid’s efforts to bring health to outlying surfing areas.

Presentation by Dr Loretta Musgrave


Dr Loretta Musgrave enlightened us about mobile phone apps and how they can be used in reproductive health.

Firstly, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to synthesise evidence of the effectiveness of mobile phone applications in promoting positive behaviour changes preconception.

Secondly, a cross-sectional survey of women of reproductive age was conducted to explore the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and preferences for information about preconception and pregnancy care in Australia.

Thirdly, a qualitative descriptive study was conducted to explore in more detail how women access pregnancy-related information.

Fourthly, a study was conducted to identify and review high-quality pregnancy mobile phone apps.

Finally, we undertook a retrospective mapping study to examine the development of a high-quality mobile phone app called Baby Buddy.

Where to from here and what does the future hold?

  1. Embedding into health services;

  2. More funding needed to scale up;

  3. Potential to expand into other countries;

  4. It puts the power into the hands of all women;

  5. Addresses inequity and barriers such as geographical, cultural, and language;



Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

An Open Letter from Alice Open (OAM)


Dear Supporters,

We want to express our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support of Women’s Plans Foundation and our mission to provide family planning education and services as part of overseas aid in the Asia Pacific region.

Women’s Plans Foundation holds to its crucial role in funding contraception through NGOs working in the Asia Pacific. The programs implemented by these organisations deliver essential family planning services and a range of contraception and sexual and reproductive health education programs to girls, women, men, and youth groups.

The benefits of contraception are significant and long-lasting for women, communities, and for the sustainability of our species and our environment. When women have the ability to manage the number and spacing of their children, they can provide better family health and education, contribute to family income, and strengthen local communities. It becomes a mutually beneficial situation for all involved.

Women’s Plans will turn 20 next year, the only (to my knowledge) charity specifically funding family planning as a part of NGOs’ overseas aid programs. It may be easier to appeal for motherhood causes – but what will help us more to live within our planet? Women, where we have been able to choose, have planned for fewer children with better lives.

This year Women’s Plans would greatly appreciate your support to sustain our vital work. Please consider our request with urgency and generosity. As a valued supporter of WPF, you have witnessed and appreciated our unwavering dedication to our cause. We thank you greatly and look forward to your ongoing support.

Your end of year financial donation will be tax-deductible and a tax receipt will be sent. We understand the current strain faced by governments, businesses, and families alike, and we acknowledge the demands within our communities. However, WPF remains steadfast in our commitment to assisting our regional neighbours, who now more than ever, deeply appreciate our support.

With best wishes for our future together,

June 2023

Alice Oppen OAM Patron


Support Our Cause With a Tax Deductible Donation


The WPF Alert: February, 2023